6 Reasons Your Kid Will (Probably) Turn Out Just Fine

1.  Walking home in the rain because you forgot to pick him up from soccer just means he’ll have one good “When I was your age” story to repeatedly tell his children.

2. Show me a mom with a dirty house and I’ll show you a couple kids with some great antibodies.


3. Cropped shirts & pants, and the “distressed” look are very in nowadays, and have nothing to do with you forgetting to go clothes shopping.

4. Soft spots close faster when repeatedly poked by older siblings.


5. He was too young to remember that time you dropped him and your iPhone simultaneously. Or that you dove for your phone.

6. The fact that she could sound out all those “fancy” words in the copy of Fifty Shades she found in your nightstand just proves she reads above grade level.



I’m sure they’ll be just fine.

Or they’ll need a little therapy. But that just makes them more interesting, right?