Advice, Gosh Darn It

Last week at an indoor water park, I lost the giant black mumu very stylish cover-up that I had just purchased. I put the cover-up down on a railing, went to do something with my younger kid, came back, and it was GONE. *horror*. My flip flops were still there. This was not acceptable. I was now essentially walking around […]

$%@# my students say about cardiomyopathy

So I’ve had the surprisingly enjoyable task of  explaining the whole “Where Was Mrs. D” thing to my students. I basically told them 5 things: 1.  I was really sick and I didn’t know it. Always tell your parents and go to the doctor when you feel like you can’t breathe right. 2. My heart […]

The Arts as an Antidote to Testing

If it’s quiet in here, I’m doing it wrong. I am sitting on the chilly windowsill with my legs dangling, kicking the bookcase below. The sound in my room is such that my clunky boots can’t be heard hitting the shelves right below me. Another teacher walks in – she may have knocked, who knows […]